Not much to report from Yellowstone. The weather has been perfect this past week, it even got into the 60's here in Mammoth. However, the wind blows here on a regular basis and it is a strong wind that shakes the place that I live. The elk have been wandering Mammoth and I even came across them as they crossed the road in the dark after work. I've even seen the occasional rabbit hopping around.
The Fountain in the store is gearing up to start serving food. I'm looking forward to that as well as the numerous park employees looking for a hot lunch. I have been meeting some great people. I met the person in charge of the Buffalo Ranch in Lamar Valley who invited me down to take a tour of the place. I have never been there and I'm looking forward to doing that.
My only days to do wildlife watching will be Sundays and Mondays. It is too dark after work to see anything but I do get the chance throughout the day to watch the elk and look at the terraces from the store window.