"There is nothing so American as our national parks. The scenery and wildlife are native. The fundamental idea behind the parks is native. It is, in brief, that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us. The parks stand as the outward symbol of this great human principle." Franklin D. Roosevelt

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bull Moose

Bull Moose by Floating Island Lake

This past week was a week of snow flurries with peaks of sun. But mostly it was gray week. It has been warming up and today is a slushy day. The numerous icicles are beginning to fall off the buildings and we can hear the sounds of steady drips from the roof. But there is plenty of snow on the ground from the storm a couple weeks ago.

My weekend included a trip to Bozeman (according to Andrea that is a trip to civilization). It has been awhile since I had been there so it was a welcome change of scenery.

Once again I had a 'famous last words' moment. Patrick spends most of his time in the southern part of the Park so he went with me on one of my Lamar trips. While driving past Floating Island Lake yesterday I mentioned that area was a good place to spot moose when suddenly we saw a grand bull moose.
By the Yellowstone Picnic Area we saw a couple big horn ewes pawing at the snow to uncover the grass.

Coming back into Mammoth we noticed that the sky was a brilliant display of colors: bright blue, pink, white and yellow.
Liberty Cap