"There is nothing so American as our national parks. The scenery and wildlife are native. The fundamental idea behind the parks is native. It is, in brief, that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us. The parks stand as the outward symbol of this great human principle." Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nap Time on the Road

Preparing for Snow on Sylvan Pass

The park service has gotten out its cannon on Sylvan Pass for avalanche control. If you look closely you can see a park service employee under the cannon working on it.

Another Foggy Morning in Hayden Valley

I've really become captivated by the fog lately. I don't care to drive in it and I don't care for the Jack the Ripperish city fog, but when it's hanging over Hayden Valley it is a beauty that I have come to appreciate.

Siesta Time on the Road

I came across this sight at Pelican Creek on my way back from Cody this afternoon. I found a huge herd of bison spread out across the area.......and across the road and bridge over Pelican Creek. I decided to use a pullout and wait it out there. As I had my camera trained on the two young bison laying on the road I realized that the first car stuck behind them was my Floor Supervisor Anita and her husband Ted who works in the EDR (Hi Anita & Ted!!). During my 45 minutes of wait time I watched bison swim the river, two young males tussling, a huge male stand guard over a female (one of those holding up traffic), the two young ones resting on the roadway, and a bald eagle soaring above the herd. And of course there were a few line jumpers who were impatient and tried to get in between Anita and Ted and the bison. He ended up being stuck behind the bison like everyone else, except now he had an angry bison very close to the front of his vehicle and for a moment looked like it wanted to butt his vehicle.

There was another herd just south of Sulphur Caldron. The whole area was filled with brown, hairy mounds as they all took naps in the afternoon sun. I guess the herd from Hayden Valley hasn't travelled that far after all.